[Tashiro Ironworks Co., Ltd. ] A team of engineers that responds to a variety of needs, from glass manufacturing facilities to prototype machines and machine assembly.

TEL:045-401-3044 FAX:045-423-3921

Transaction Flow

Manufacturing of Prototype Machines & Assembly of Machines

1. Submission of Specifications by Customer
Our rule is to hold a discussion in order to achieve the most accurate understanding possible in relation to specifications.

2. Determination of Advisability of Order
Our company performs analysis considering factors such as the delivery date and technology base.

3. Estimate
We create an estimate based upon customer specifications.
If necessary, other documentation such as a process chart is included with the estimate.

4. Meeting Regarding Basic Plan
A meeting is held regarding subjects such as the progress schedule of our company, which is based upon the specifications.

5. Execution of Order
If necessary, interim checks are held at our company.

6. Customer Receipt and Inspection

Please click on the [Contact] button on the right to contact us with any questions.
Furthermore, please use the [Contact] button for inquires regarding the flow of transaction for glass production facilities.